Tuesday 26 May 2015

At Stratford Primary School we are committed to PB4L (Positive Behaviour for Learning) programme (go to http://pb4l.tki.org.nz/ for more information). PB4L  School-Wide looks at behaviour and learning from a whole-of-school as well as an individual child perspective. The framework is based on international evidence.

The Positive Behaviour for Learning School-Wide framework, otherwise known as PB4L School-Wide, is helping New Zealand schools build a culture where positive behaviour and learning is a way of life. It’s not about changing the students; it’s about changing the environment, systems and practices we have in place to support them to make positive behaviour choices.

This programme is already having amazing results across our school with increasing positive student interactions and decreasing negative behaviour. We have seen a 60% drop in poor behaviour this year compared with last year’s data so we know we are on the right track. The programme is a process and one that we are working through to enhance our school culture. You will be receiving more information about how our new school vision will link with our ‘to be created’, behaviour matrix and acronym. This is a process and will take time (3 to 5 Years) to be fully embedded in our school culture.

There will be times however when situations occur where children exhibit poor choices. When this occurs please talk with your child’s teacher. Our staff are upskilling in using the restorative process to talk through the incident and ‘teach’ the right behaviour, after all we teach Mathematics and Reading, behaviour and how to interact with others is no different. They are skills that everyone needs.

Many of our staff are participating in the Incredible Years training. We would like to share with you some of the insights we are gaining.

Encouraging Your Child’s Persistence and Patience
“All young children have short attention spans and are easily distractable. Once they get to school there are more demands on them to listen, be focused and work for longer times on school related tasks. You can help support your child’s attentiveness and increase his or her persistence with a difficult task by commenting, describing and coaching your child when you notice him or her doing any of the following behaviours:

Staying Focused: Describe and praise your child’s behaviour whenever you notice him or her concentrating, paying attention, or staying focused when trying to solve a problem [e.g. completing a difficult puzzle, trying to write or read, or learn something new]. For example, “You are really looking at all those letters and staying focused”. Or, “You keep trying different ways to solve that problem. You are working really hard.”

Being Patient: Label your child’s emotions whenever you notice him or her staying calm or patient. “That is really frustrating to do and you keep trying again. You are really being patient and staying calm. I think you are going to be able to do that.”

David Cripps

Monday 25 May 2015

Welcome everyone to our PB4L Blog.  A place for our classes to share learning around our Positive Behaviours.

This is an example of how students can post on the Blog.


Last week I spoke to one of my class mates quite nastily.  Then they ignored me for the rest of the day.  I felt really upset that I had spoken to them like that.  I have tried really hard to speak to my class mates with respect and manners since then.  I have had a way better response from everyone because I have been nicer.  My teacher noticed too because I received the class honour award this week.

Year 6

Comment;  Hi Patricia, I really enjoyed reading your reflection on your learning.  I always feel good when people speak nicer to me too.  Thank you for sharing.

Year 5

Pinky Prizes

Pinky Prizes